When Is Columbus Day 2022?
- 1 What did Columbus do?
- 2 Is Columbus Day a big holiday?
- 3 What is Columbus Day called in the US?
- 4 What happens on Columbus Day?
- 5 Who were the first Europeans to visit the Americas?
- 6 What was the name of America before it was called America?
- 7 What holiday is on October 10?
- 8 What day is Columbus Day on in October?
Is Columbus Day on October 10 2022?
A Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2022 In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed from the Spanish port of Palos de la Frontera on behalf of Queen Isabella I and King Ferdinand II, but his roots trace back to Genoa, Italy. The story of his journey remains a source of pride for many Italian Americans whose families also crossed the Atlantic.
His voyage inspired many others to follow and ultimately contributed to the founding of America, which has been a beacon for immigrants across the world. Many of these immigrants were Italian, and for generations, Italian immigrants have harnessed the courage to leave so much behind, driven by their faith in the American dream — to build a new life of hope and possibility in the United States.
Today, Italian Americans are leaders in all fields, including government, health, business, innovation, and culture. Things have not always been easy; prejudice and violence often stalled the promise of equal opportunity. In fact, Columbus Day was created by President Harrison in 1892 in response to the anti-Italian motivated lynching of 11 Italian Americans in New Orleans in 1891.
During World War II, Italian Americans were even targeted as enemy aliens. But the hard work, dedication to community, and leadership of Italian Americans in every industry make our country stronger, more prosperous, and more vibrant. The Italian American community is also a cornerstone of our Nation’s close and enduring relationship with Italy — a vital NATO Ally and European Union partner.
Today, the partnership between Italy and the United States is at the heart of our efforts to tackle the most pressing global challenges of our time, including supporting Ukraine as it defends its freedom and democracy. In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage 530 years ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, and modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C.107), as amended, has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.” NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R.
- BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 10, 2022, as Columbus Day.
- I direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation.
- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-seventh.
JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR. : A Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2022
What did Columbus do?
Christopher Columbus Explorer Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) is known for his 1492 ‘discovery’ of the ‘new world’ of the Americas on board his ship Santa Maria, In actual fact, Columbus did not discover North America. He was the first European to sight the Bahamas archipelago and then the island later named Hispaniola, now split into Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Is Columbus Day a big holiday?
“> Depending on where in the United States you live and whom you work for, Columbus Day may be a day off with pay, another holiday entirely, or no different from any other Monday. Columbus Day, the second Monday in October, is one of the most inconsistently celebrated U.S. holidays. It’s one of 11 official federal holidays (12 in presidential inauguration years such as this one), which means federal workers get a paid day off and there’s no mail delivery, Because federal offices will be closed, so will most banks and the bond markets that trade in U.S. government debt. The stock markets will remain open, however, as will most retailers and other businesses. Beyond that, Columbus Day seems to be fading as a widely observed holiday, having come under fire in recent decades from Native American advocates and others. Given the continuing controversy over how and whether to recognize Christopher Columbus and his accomplishments, we thought it was time to take a new look at the Columbus Day holiday – our first since 2019. We decided to focus on states and territories that observe Columbus Day (or one of its substitutes) as an official public holiday – meaning that state offices are closed and state workers get a paid day off. Several other states have designated the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day, or some other name honoring Native Americans, without making it an official state holiday. Our main sources for this post were state administrative, personnel and human-resources websites, most of which post lists of official state holidays. We supplemented those lists with news reports about local observances, or the lack thereof, of Columbus Day or its many alternatives. For information about which states previously observed Columbus Day and when they switched or dropped it, we turned to “The Book of the States,” published by the Council of State Governments – supplemented again with news media accounts, historical essays and other sources. Based on our review of state human resources websites and other sources, only 20 states, plus American Samoa and Puerto Rico, still call the second Monday in October Columbus Day and consider it a public holiday – meaning government offices are closed and state workers have a paid day off.
- Two decades ago, 25 states and the District of Columbia treated Columbus Day as a public holiday, according to the Council of State Governments’ comprehensive ” Book of the States,” Since the turn of the 21st century, states have taken several different approaches to Columbus Day.
- California and Delaware dropped the holiday entirely in 2009, the latter swapping in a floating holiday for state workers.
Maine, New Mexico and D.C. all renamed the day Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 2019, retaining it as an official (i.e., paid) holiday. Colorado – the first state to designate Columbus Day as a state holiday more than 100 years ago – replaced it in 2020 with a new state holiday (on the first Monday in October) honoring Frances Xavier Cabrini, a Catholic nun and Italian immigrant who founded dozens of schools, hospitals and orphanages to serve poor immigrants and was canonized in 1946, Since 1990, South Dakota has observed Native Americans’ Day as an official state holiday on the second Monday in October. Tennessee officially observes Columbus Day, but on a completely different day: The governor can and routinely does move the observance to the Friday after Thanksgiving, to facilitate a four-day weekend.
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands began substituting Commonwealth Cultural Day for Columbus Day in 2006. And in Hawaii, the day is known as Discoverers’ Day, though it isn’t – and by law can’t be – an official state holiday, Even places with official Columbus Day holidays sometimes give them alternative identities.
The U.S. Virgin Islands, for example, formally observes Columbus Day but puts much more emphasis on Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands Friendship Day, which just happens to fall on the same day. In Alabama, the second Monday in October is also American Indian Heritage Day (since 2000) and Fraternal Day, a day honoring Freemasons, Rotarians, Elks and other social and service clubs.
Columbus Day doubles as Yorktown Victory Day, at least in Virginia. And Nebraska last year adopted Indigenous Peoples’ Day to coexist with Columbus Day. Even Columbus, Ohio, no longer observes its namesake’s holiday, having renamed it Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 2020 – though Columbus, Georgia, still does.
Originally conceived as a celebration of Italian American heritage, Columbus Day became a federal holiday in 1937, largely due to lobbying by the Knights of Columbus. The holiday was moved from Oct.12 to the second Monday in October starting in 1971. More recently, Native American groups and other critics have advocated for changing the holiday to something else, citing Columbus’ own mistreatment of natives and the legacy of European settlement that his voyages initiated.
- Several states (including Iowa, Vermont, Oregon and Texas ) and dozens of cities (including Seattle, San Antonio, Houston and, just last week, Boston ) recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day instead, though not as an official public holiday.
- CORRECTION (Oct.10, 2022): A previous version of this post incorrectly included Colorado among states observing the second Monday of October 2021 as a paid holiday.
Frances Xavier Cabrini Day occurs on the first Monday of the month. The text and map “Where state workers have the second Monday in October off” have been updated. Note: This is an update of a post originally published on Oct.14, 2013.
What is Columbus Day called in the US?
How is Indigenous Peoples’ Day observed? – Columbus Day, also called Indigenous Peoples’ Day, in the United States, holiday (originally October 12; since 1971 the second Monday in October) to commemorate the landing of Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492, in the New World.
- Although his explorations were financed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, Columbus was a native of Genoa, Italy, and over the years Italian Americans took up the cause of honouring his achievement.
- The 300th anniversary of his landing was celebrated in New York City in 1792 by the Society of St.
Tammany, or Columbian Order, and the 400th anniversary, in 1892, by presidential proclamation nationwide. During the latter half of the 19th century, the day began to be celebrated in cities with large numbers of Italian Americans, and in 1937 it became a national holiday by presidential proclamation.
The day came to be marked by parades, often including floats depicting the ships of Columbus, and by public ceremonies and festivities. By the quincentennial in 1992, the holiday was an occasion for discussing the European conquest of American Indians, and some people objected to celebrating the event and proposed alternatives, among them Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
The landing of Columbus also came to be commemorated in Spain and Italy. In many of the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas, the landing is observed as Día de la Raza (“Day of the Race” or “Day of the People”). Rather than celebrating Columbus’s arrival in the New World, many observers of Día de la Raza celebrate the indigenous peoples of Latin America and the culture that developed over the centuries as their heritage melded with that of the Spanish explorers who followed Columbus.
What happens on Columbus Day?
Columbus Day: The History, Significance and Controversy 4 minute read “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue” – A popular rhyme taught to many young American students across the U.S. to help them remember the year in which the Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, arrived in the Americas.
Who were the first Europeans to visit the Americas?
Early European Explorers – It is not known for certain when the first Europeans reached the Americas. Legends tell of early visitors from Ireland and Wales. According to an epic tale, St. Brendan and other Irish monks made an astonishing journey westward through the Atlantic Ocean in the 6th century ad,
They are said to have reached a large landmass. It has been speculated that this land could have been North America or the Canary Islands. Although St. Brendan was a real person, the tale of his Atlantic journey was likely fiction. Another legendary traveler, Madog ab Owain Gwynedd of Wales, was said to have reached North America in the 12th century ad,
He supposedly sailed to Ireland and then westward. Some people have believed that Madog and his party became the ancestors of a group of Indigenous people who were said to speak Welsh. However, most anthropologists believe that the story of Madog is not true. © Archivist/stock.adobe.com In the 9th century ad the Vikings of Norway, or the Norsemen, arrived in Iceland, which had already been settled by Irish colonists. Irish refugees from Iceland, fleeing before the advance of the Vikings, may have been the first Europeans to arrive in Greenland and Newfoundland (now in northeastern Canada), though this is mere surmise.
Greenland, a large island in the North Atlantic Ocean, is considered part of North America. The Vikings of Norway are the first Europeans known to have visited North America. A Viking named Gunnbjörn Ulfsson sailed near Greenland in the 10th century ad, The Viking known as Erik the Red (because of his red hair and beard) was the first to colonize the island.
In about 980 Erik was banished from Iceland after he killed a neighbor in a quarrel. He decided to spend his exile exploring Greenland. Erik sailed in 982 with his household and livestock and established a colony on the southwest coat of Greenland. During Erik’s three-year exile, the settlers encountered no other people, though they explored to the north. From Ridpath’s Universal History, Vol. V, by John Clark Ridpath, 1896 The first Europeans to land on the mainland of North America were the Viking explorer Leif Eriksson and his party. Leif was one of Erik the Red’s sons and had accompanied him to Greenland.
The exploits of Erik and Leif are the subjects of Norse sagas, which are stories or histories in prose. According to one of the sagas, a man named Bjarni Herjulfsson was blown off course while sailing from Iceland to Greenland in about the year 1000. He was carried far to the southwest, where he saw an unknown shore, and then returned to tell his tale.
Leif Eriksson and about 30 other people set out in 1001 to explore this land. They probably reached the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador (now in northeastern Canada). Modern archaeologists have found evidence of Viking settlements there from about Leif’s time.
- The expedition continued southward, reaching a warmer wooded land where “wine berries,” or grapes, grew.
- They named this place Vinland, meaning “Wine Land,” though the fruit they found may actually have been cranberries.
- Vinland may have been in what is now Maryland or Virginia, in the southern United States, or perhaps the lands around the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, in southeastern Canada. Leif and the other members of the expedition built houses in Vinland and explored the region before returning to Greenland. Later Viking expeditions tried to establish colonies, but within a few years their trade with local peoples had turned to warfare.
What was the name of America before it was called America?
On this day, the name “United States of America” becomes official On September 9, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted a new name for what had been called the “United Colonies.” The moniker United States of America has remained since then as a symbol of freedom and independence.
Benjamin Franklin popularized the concept of a political union in his famous “Join, Or Die” cartoon in 1754. A generation later, the concept of unity became a reality. Thomas Jefferson is credited as being the first person to come up with the name, which he used while drafting the Declaration of Independence.
In June 1776, Jefferson’s draft version of the Declaration started with the following sentence: “A Declaration of the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress assembled.” The final version of the Declaration starts with the date July 4, 1776 and the following statement: “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.” Richard Henry Lee of Virginia “United Colonies” in a June resolution to Congress: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved,” Lee wrote.
These thoughts are included in the Declaration’s final paragraph. “We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States,” it reads.
On Monday, September 9, 1776, the Congress moved to approve some important resolutions, including payments for the army. The fifth resolution read as follows: “That in all continental commissions, and other instruments, where, heretofore, the words ‘United Colonies’ have been used, the stile be altered for the future to the “United States.” John C.
Fitzpatrick from the Library of Congress,, explained the origin of “United Colonies” and the abbreviation “U.S.A.” in an article for the Daughters of the American Revolution magazine. Fitzpatrick said the words United Colonies were used by the Congress when it appointed George Washington as commander in chief in June 1775.
The abbreviation U.S.A. had its origins as a way that government inspectors approved official gunpowder. Fitzpatrick said the army needed to have inspectors verify that gunpowder met standards, and it stamped “U.S.A.” on the casks as a mark, starting in August 1776, Also, the words “United States of America” appeared in the first draft of the Articles of Confederation on July 8, 1776, as it was submitted to Congress.
Why is Christopher Columbus a hero?
Christopher Columbus has long been exalted as a heroic figure in American history: the first explorer to establish a European presence in the New World. Americans have celebrated his arrival as far back as 1792, the 300th anniversary of his landing. But it would take almost 200 more years—and a century-long campaign by Italian Americans—to establish a federal holiday in his name.
Early Italian immigrants, facing intense discrimination, had good reason to embrace the Genoa-born seafarer. Putting an Italian face on the hero of America’s origin story gave them a powerful symbol of their own Americanness, while the Columbus Day holiday gave them a national platform to bask in his reflective glow and celebrate their heritage.
But as modern historians began to spotlight the brutal side of the explorer’s legacy—especially relative to native communities—calls to abolish Columbus Day, or replace it with Indigenous People’s Day, have transformed the annual celebration of Italian pride into a flashpoint of controversy.
Who first landed in North America?
A History of Settlers in North America North America has been a melting pot of cultures ever since the first settlers came to the land approximately 14,000 years ago. Let’s dive into the rich explorer history of this continent. North American exploration history dates back more than a millennium and involves people from all over the world.
- The non-indigenous people, originally European settlers, came to the continent in an effort to map out and explore the vast land and advance their economic interests.
- As with most exploring, seeking profit was one of the main motivators.
- But the very first people to ever settle on American land weren’t from Europe.
It’s widely accepted that the first settlers were hunter-gatherers that came to North America from the North Asia Mammoth steppe via the Bering land bridge. This land bridge was formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to lowering sea levels during the Last Glacial Maximum, the most recent time during the Last Glacial Period when ice sheets were at their greatest extent.
These settlers spread throughout both North and South America approximately 14,000 years ago. A lot has happened since then, to say the least. The timeline for the Age of Discovery presumably starts with the Vikings. Several timelines assume that Scandinavian Vikings discovered the continent during their maritime explorations of the late 10th century, which later resulted in the Norse colonisation of Greenland and of L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland.
This puts the Vikings in America around 500 years before Columbus. But their voyages did not become widespread knowledge, so the continent was still open for a historic discovery.
Photo: shutterstock and Camille Seaman
You can’t talk about the explorer history of North America without mentioning Christopher Columbus. Traditionally speaking, the Age of Exploration starts with Columbus in 1492. When he and his crew realised that they had in fact found a completely new continent, numerous ships from Europe were sent there to explore, conquer and permanently settle in America.
- The Age of Exploration typically refers to the time between the 1500s and the 1800s.
- During this period of time, major colonisation programs were launched in the Americas by several European empires, including Spain, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain.
- While most empires intended to settle in America, the Spanish had a different motive upon entering the new continent: to make a fortune off the new land and bring it back home to Spain.
It’s said that they defined three goals: Conquer, convert, or become rich. By conversion, they believed that they had to save the natives from eternal damnation by converting them to Christianity. Portugal claimed lands in North America as well as colonising much of eastern South America, naming it Santa Cruz and Brazil.
- The French colonies included the eastern parts of North America that Spain had not conquered, a number of Caribbean islands and small coastal parts of South America.
- Approximately 16,000 French people came to the Americas during the colonisation, and the great majority of them became subsistence farmers along the St.
Lawrence River. The British were late to the game and started their colonisation almost a century after Spain. Their first successful permanent settlement was in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, after several failed attempts. The Dutch did less colonising in North America than the rest of the empires, but they did found the colony New Netherlands on today’s east coast of the United States.
- It was later established that the southern tip of Manhattan Island was to serve as the seat of the colonial government, and it was named New Amsterdam.
- In 1664 the English took hold of New Amsterdam and renamed it New York City after the Duke of York.
- While cruising with us, you’ll get the chance to actually sail the famous routes that these brave explorers sailed all those years ago.
Join us on an adventure into the “Land of the Free”! : A History of Settlers in North America
Is October 10 2022 a holiday in US?
On 10 October, those living in the US will observe the eighth federal holiday of the year, otherwise known as Indigenious Peoples’ Day or Columbus Day.
What holiday is on October 10?
Today is World Mental Health Day and National Hug a Drummer Day.
What is the date of Columbus Day in October?
Columbus Day is observed in the United States on the second Monday of October. It recognizes the historic voyage and arrival of Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus who sailed to the Americas on October 12, 1492. In 2023 Columbus Day is Monday, October 9th.
2023 | Monday, October 9 |
2024 | Monday, October 14 |
2025 | Monday, October 13 |
What day is Columbus Day on in October?
When is Columbus Day 2023? – Columbus Day 2023 is celebrated on Monday, October 9th. This is an annual event held on the second Monday in October every year.